The Hallmark Channel has been making Christmas movies for decades, but this year they are taking their movie-making to the next level. They have partnered with Netflix to release a whole bunch of original holiday films that will be available exclusively on the streaming service.

The top hallmark movies 2023 is a must-see for any Hallmark lover. This list includes the top 10 best hallmark movies of all time.

It’s my favorite time of year: autumn is coming, and I’m watching Hallmark movies to celebrate. When their autumn movies start airing, I know it’s time to change my clothes, make hot cider, and hire someone to remove the window A/C so I can sleep with the windows open again.

The Hallmark Channel’s Fall Harvest debuted Roadhouse Romance last night, and there isn’t a single element of it that doesn’t fit the Hallmark pattern. Now, lest you think that formula is a bad thing, believe me when I say that it isn’t. It’s a major part of why these movies are so good. You know you’re going to see something that will pull at your heartstrings, make you feel humiliated, and make you believe that love exists in all places.

Who among us, after all, doesn’t need to believe in love? That is my view, and I am the biggest cynic on the planet.

Roadhouse Romance is a one-of-a-kind story. This isn’t your typical formula. There is no needless drama, no issues, and no one creates problems for others – but it is a story about stopping to take a breath, appreciating the beauty in the present, and living your life your way.

Callie, a country music fan, is adamant about carrying on her late grandfather’s legacy. While TV director Luke is in town, he advises her to look forward rather than back. 

Callie has just returned home after a two-year tour. Tucker’s Roadhouse is managed by her family, and she quickly notices that nothing is the same. Her grandfather’s barbecue sauce recipe, which has since been lost, made Tucker’s renowned.

She is enraged since she is aware that he claimed that he had written it down. Her mother and aunt, on the other hand, have searched everywhere and haven’t found anything. As a consequence, she has set out on a mission to duplicate it.

When Luke and his agency decide to stop at Tucker’s, he is a television director driving with his agency. They collided with Callie’s vehicle, forcing it to stall. The part isn’t readily available since it’s a vintage car, so they’re stuck in a small town.

Tuckers, of course, is ready to take them in and care for them, as little towns are.

Let’s take each step one at a time.

For the last two years, Callie has been gone. She enlisted in the Army and has returned home to start a new job at the Veterans Administration, where she will be in charge of the physical therapy program. She does, however, have some time off, which she may spend at Tucker’s.

Tuckers is a country music destination as well as a family eatery. She’s spent her whole life there, and it means the world to her.

Callie is one of those people you look up to and wish you could be like. I’ll admit that I was dubious when Lauren Alaina was cast in a supporting role – but not because of her. It’s because I find it hard to believe that so many people can act and sing – but I’m ready to admit if I’m wrong.

Lauren has a lovely innocence in the role. True, she has a beautiful singing voice. But she also conveys the feeling that you’re part of a little group, that honesty is crucial, and that innocence isn’t synonymous with weakness. She has the ability to make you see things in a different way.

Callie is her, or maybe she is Callie. But what she does is demonstrate that progress isn’t always a bad thing. The difficult thing is staying still. You may reminisce about past times while making new ones.

And it’s something we should all be aware of.

She’s in need of some motivation, which she may get in the form of fresh eyes.

From time to time, we all need new eyes. We all need someone to show us the way outside of our comfort zones. There’s a big world out there, and change is unavoidable.

Luke is not just her new set of eyes, but also his. He’s a Hollywood director, yet he’s not like any other I’ve ever met. He’s outgoing and upbeat, and he doesn’t take on a job just to have his name attached to it.

He wants everything, but he won’t give up his identity. He’s enamored with fame and fortune, never wanting to stop yet always wanting to take a break.

And it’s what draws people to him.

Here’s the problem with Tyler Hynes: no matter what the man has to be, he can easily fit into it if you give him apart. He has the potential to be the guy everyone wants to bring home, and he can adjust to any situation.

And he’s believable as Luke. He gives a character who is lost but doesn’t know it compassion.

Luke’s fiancée is a movie star who is so concerned with herself that she just uses him for clout. He is a part of the answer to her desire to advance in her career. To put it another way, we don’t like her.

She encourages Luke to join her when she gets cast in a major picture. The role, though, isn’t a good match for Luke, and the script isn’t either. That kind of thing happens all the time. As a result, I believe it was written by a member of the studio’s family.

He and Callie got along swimmingly straight away. It is built on the foundations of friendship, acceptance, and vulnerability. It’s almost as though you’re compelled to believe in destiny. They are all aware, however, that they are from separate worlds and have different goals. They don’t know it, but their various worlds and aspirations are what makes them perfect.

Yes, referring to Jillian as the devil is a stretch, but she is a shrewd businesswoman. When she’s trying to persuade Luke to take the part. The issue is that you quickly realize she is just a trigger for him to find what he really wants in life.

Luke and Callie had found something special in one another. In the lack of pretense, they’ve discovered honesty and happiness. They’ve discovered love that is so pure that they aren’t even aware of it.

They are aware, however, that they have value to each other. As a result, Luke is disappointed when he hears that Tucker’s Fall Festival will have to be canceled. He’s willing to spend money to solve the issue, but his representative reminded him that they aren’t asking for charity. They’re on the lookout for someone to take Tucker’s place.

So when Jillian is dead set on having Luke direct Ice Girl and is willing to do whatever it takes to convince him, While most of us would beg for the greatest favor known to man in order to achieve what she is asking of him – destroying his career – he refuses. He asks her to post about Tucker’s event on her social media page.

And it’s because of what he does that the event is sold out. His actions are commendable since they are driven by a sense of selflessness. It’s also motivated by Callie’s affection, which he’s starting to realize.


This Hallmark movie, like others I’ve seen, is about discovering who you are and what matters to you. The narrative’s second part is about love and romance. They may believe that education is necessary and that you must learn about yourself.

Life progresses. People change throughout time. Things change. However, as we get older, our desires and goals change. Occasionally, all we need is destiny to propel us forward.

The on-screen connection between Tyler Hynes and Lauren Aliana is what sets this picture apart.

Because it mixes comfort, humor, love, and, well, country music, Roadhouse Romance is one of my top 10 Hallmark movies. It’s a story of hope, family, and self-discovery.

And there’s a certain allure about it. It’s a must-see for any fan of Hallmark movies.


The best non christmas hallmark movies is a must-see for any Hallmark lover. It has been ranked as the number one movie of all time by Hallmark Entertainment.

  • top hallmark movies 2023
  • hallmark movies list
  • 100 best hallmark movies
  • hallmark christmas movies 2023 list
  • best hallmark movies of all time
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