The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is an American horror film released in 1974. The film was directed by Tobe Hooper and written by Hooper and Kim Henkel. It tells the story of a young woman who escapes from a rural homestead where she has been held captive for months, only to end up at the home of her captor, Leatherface.

The texas chainsaw massacre movies in chronological order is a list of all the films that were released in this horror franchise.

The Chainsaw Massacre in Texas made its premiere in 1974. The Texas Chainsaw Movies series is one of the most confusing in film history. But don’t worry, because I’m going to untangle the tangled web of this series so that real horror movie lovers can grasp its proper chronological and release date sequence.

Order the Best Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movies By Release Date.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Watch Order By Release Date And Chronologically

Here is the greatest Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie series viewing order based on the release date.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the first (1974)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the sequel to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

3. (1986)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (Leatherface) is the third installment in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise (1990)

The The Next Generation of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the fifth installment in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise (1995)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the first (17th October 2003)

2. The Beginning of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (6th October 2006)

1. Texas Chainsaw 3D is a 3D version of the Texas Chainsaw (4th January 2013)

2. Leatherface is a fictional character (20th October 2017)

  • Original Timeline Revised

1. The Chainsaw Massacre in Texas (2023 unreleased)

Order a chronograph of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Detailed)

The screenwriters, production companies, and directors for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films are all different, yet the storyline is the same. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise includes sequels, prequels, and remakes, all of which are discussed in depth in this article, so buckle up for a gory violent ride.

Because the stories of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), the first film in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, are repeated in both Timeline of the Reboot and Original Timeline Revised (in chronological order), I will only recount them once in The Original Sequence of Events.

The Original Timeline

1) The Chainsaw Massacre in Texas

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Watch Order By Release Date And Chronologically

The film was released on October 11th, 1974.

This is the least perplexing timeline in the series. The narrator begins by stating that the film was shot on August 18, 1973. The date, on the other hand, has no bearing on the narrative.

Sally Hardesty traveled deep into the remote regions of Texas with her brother and three friends after receiving allegations of grave theft and damage at her grandfather’s cemetery. During the journey, they picked up a strange hitchhiker who terrified them all.

The gang successfully got rid of the strange hitchhiker by asking him to go, but they were mistaken. Their terror was justified, as the hitchhiker turned out to be a member of the Sawyers, a cannibalistic family.

They came upon a farmhouse along the road, and one of the party members began to vanish. Human bones, charms, and poultry feathers are used by the house to terrify the players. It was, however, the refuge of the cannibal gang of killers who also plundered from graves. It was the hitchhiker’s family, including his brother Leatherface.

Warning: This contains a spoiler.

Leatherface slaughters the whole gang one by one, leaving just Sally Hardesty alive. She almost avoids Leatherface’s dreadful destiny as she chases after a vehicle and successfully jumps on top of it. But the expression on her face says it all: she will never forget this heartbreaking day.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 is a sequel to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Watch Order By Release Date And Chronologically

The film was released on August 22nd, 1986.

Like the previous film, this one takes place in the current day, in 1986, thirteen years after the first film’s horrific event.

When the authorities retrieved Sally Hardesty after the horrific events at the farmhouse, she had gone catatonic. The police were unable to find the killers’ family, and they were also unable to locate the farmhouse, leaving the savages free to attack anybody. Leatherface brutally murdered two teenagers on Texas roads, prompting an inquiry by Sally’s uncle, Texas Ranger Lefty.

He decided to seek justice for his nephew’s murder and his niece’s insanity. He was able to persuade a local DJ to assist him in his search for the murderers. Because a radio DJ broke the news of their inquiry to Leatherface and his family, they launched an assault on the station.

Warning: This article contains spoilers.

Stretch was one of the station’s DJs, and Leatherface and his family whisked him away to an abandoned fairground where the Sawyer family was hiding. After successfully murdering Leatherface’s twin brother, Chop-Top, Stretch was the sole surviving survivor. The surviving Sawyer family, Lefty, and Leatherface were murdered by a grenade explosion.

Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Watch Order By Release Date And Chronologically

The film was released on January 12th, 1990.

Things start to get perplexing after this film. Because the Sawyer family perished in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, only a reboot was conceivable. Leather: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III is the third installment of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise (1974). The second film is entirely ignored in this alternate version.

Although this film is a full re-imagining of the story with new family members including Leatherface, it also follows the terrible events of the previous film, in which one of the Sawyer family members is apprehended by the police and committed to a mental institution. Leatherface moves in with another family in this film, who are plain cruel in their acts.

Warning: This contains a spoiler.

Leatherface, I dare guess, dies at the conclusion of this film as well; we don’t know whether it’s a hamburger since a dog is eating it—all I’m saying is that it might be a cooked person.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Watch Order By Release Date And Chronologically

The film was released on March 12th, 1995.

The water in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre is murkier in this film than in the previous one. This film also serves as a direct sequel to the previous one. The Captivation of Any Sawyer Family Member is not mentioned in The Next Generation. It makes no mention of the Sawyer family being murdered by Stretch at the conclusion of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.

Some parts of the narrative were altered in this film, such as the ‘Sawyer’ family being referred to as ‘Slaughter.’ Some teens ended up to Leatherface’s home in this film. Most of the youngsters died on the property at the hands of the Slaughters, as you must have deduced.

Warning: This contains a spoiler.

As the film continues, it becomes clear that the Slaughters family was part of a larger conspiracy, as they were shown to be members of the Illuminati. After killing Vilmer Slaughter with a crop duster, a guy called Rothman comes to Jenny’s rescue and takes her to the hospital.

The Reboot Timeline

In the Reboot Timeline, the proper sequence to watch the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series is to watch The Beginning (2006) first, then The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003).

2) The Beginning of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Watch Order By Release Date And Chronologically

The movie will be released on October 6th, 2006.

After The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) grossed $10 million at the movie office, a prequel, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beiggining, was released (2006). As a result, it would be beneficial if you viewed it first to ensure that you comprehend the events properly.

Leatherface is seen as a baby at the beginning of the film, having been adopted by a family in 1939. In 1969, during the Vietnam War, two brothers spent time with their lovers before heading abroad to the battleground. A guy, who was insane, worked at a meat-packing company that had just gone out of business.

The psychopath eventually reveals himself to be Leatherface, when he brutally murders the plant’s foreman. The brothers were driving down a lonely highway when their vehicle was involved in an accident and they were stuck.

Then there was a sheriff there who wasn’t really a sheriff; he was Leatherface’s insane uncle. The uncle grabbed the three of them, but a girl managed to go undetected from him. The uncle brought them to Leatherface in order to hone his assassination abilities. The girl who fled came to her buddy’s aid with the help of a motorcyclist and his companion, whose girlfriend was reportedly murdered by the Sheriff.

Warning: This contains a spoiler.

The Sheriff and Leatherface murdered three of the four buddies, as well as two motorcyclists. Chrissie (the girl who came to save her friend) was fleeing in a car when Leatherface emerged in the back seat, where he was hidden, and thrust the chainsaw into her back, causing her to accidentally murder a policeman. Leatherface then returns peacefully to his house.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Watch Order By Release Date And Chronologically

The film was released on October 17th, 2003.

In 2003, the franchise decided to create a sequel to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, ignoring all previous sequels (1974). This film presented a whole narrative in and of itself.

Young While driving through Texas, five teens were having the fun of their lives when they stumbled upon a blood-covered hitchhiker. She was taken up, and then she blew her head off afterwards. When the teens arrived at the gas station, they discovered a dead corpse in the vehicle and attempted to contact the police. They came to an isolated home while waiting for the cops, when they were pursued by a cannibal family.

Warning: This contains a spoiler.

The Leatherface used his favorite weapon, a chainsaw, to do all of the murders, but Erin manages to flee. Leatherface’s arm was severed by her. She attempted to escape on the truck, but Leatherface chainsawed the whole vehicle. You must choose if Erin was fortunate enough to escape.

The Third Chronology

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Watch Order By Release Date And Chronologically

The proper chronological sequence to view the third timeline is as follows: first, watch Leatherface (2017), which is a precursor to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), then watch Texas Chainsaw 3D. (2013). It will aid in your comprehension of the films.


The movie will be released on October 20th, 2017.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Leatherface is a precursor to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Leatherface (1974). It tells the story of Jed Sawyer’s life before the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Leatherface).

A birthday party was held at the Sawyer family in 1955. Jedidiah, the birthday kid, requests a gift that would serve as a ceremony for him to become a member of the cruel family; he receives a chainsaw and is forced to murder a guy who they believe stole their pigs.

His grandpa murdered the robber when he became frightened and refused. A young couple named Betty and Ted were driving when they came across an injured Jed a few months later. Betty had been killed by the time she followed him to his home. Betty’s father, Sheriff Hartman, arrived and discovered her dead. Hartman soon apprehended Jed and, in order to exact vengeance, kidnapped him and imprisoned him.

During a disturbance, Jed and three of his crazy friends escaped from a mental institution after many years. Lizzy was the one who instigated the disturbance in order for Jed, a teenager, to assist him in escaping. They took Lizzy on a terrifying road trip while she was jogging.

The restaurant patrons were mercilessly murdered by the gang. Sheriff Hartman is on a furious spree after the gang. Jed returns to his family’s home, where his mother is tending to his wounds. Verna, Jed’s mother, apprehended Hartman and brought him to the chamber where Lizzy and Hartman were already imprisoned. He reclaimed his chainsaw and used it to kill Hartman.

Warning: This article contains spoilers.

Lizzy manages to flee the insane family, who begin after her. She was then captured in a bear trap, and her relatives tracked her down. She appeals to Jed’s better side since she knows him to be a decent guy. Jed began to lower his chainsaw, when Lizzy insulted his mother, calling her insane, prompting him to decapitate her. Later, Jed began constructing his first Leatherface mask featuring Lizzy’s face.

3D Texas Chainsaw (2013)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Watch Order By Release Date And Chronologically

The film will be released on January 4th, 2013.

Texas Chainsaw 3D is a sequel as well as a reboot. A follow-up to the original 1974 film.

The terrifying events of the original picture, however, were shown in 3D at the opening of the film. The Sawyer home was then visited by a police car and another vehicle. The Sawyers’ relatives, the Carsons, arrive and join them in barricading the Sawyer home door.

Hooper, a sheriff, declares that he wants the kid Jed, aka Leatherface, since Sally Hardesty claims he murdered all of her pals. The Sheriff informed them that he intended to take Jed into custody.

Drayton spoke to his family about it, and they agreed to give up Leatherface. He walked inside to make a phone call to him. During this time, a group of local residents led by Mayor Burt Hartman arrived to the home with the sole intent of murdering the barbaric family.

The Sawyer family was assaulted by town residents who set fire to their home. Despite the Sheriff’s request that the villagers halt, almost all of the family members were killed.

After the pandemonium has subsided, a guy called Gavin Miller notices a lady clutching a baby. He grabbed the infant and murdered the mother, then presented the kid to his wife with the suggestion that they adopt her. Heather was her given name later on.

a mature individual Heather is the heir of a Texas estate that her grandmother bequeathed to her. She wanted to visit the estate for herself, so she and her companions embarked on a road trip. When she arrived, she was given a terrible present in the form of an inheritance in the house’s basement. During their trip, they came across a hitchhiker and decided to offer him a lift.

Warning: This contains a spoiler.

When Leatherface starts pursuing Heather, he learns she is his long-lost cousin. Leatherface and Heather collaborated to assassinate the mayor and then left to return home. Heather read her grandma Vera’s letter for the first time. She took the S necklace from the package and put it on. Heather is instructed in the letter to look after her cousin Leatherface, and she does so.

The Revised Original Timeline

To understand the narrative in the Revised Original Timeline, all you have to do is watch the original The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) and The Chainsaw Massacre in Texas (2023).

3) The Chainsaw Massacre in Texas (1974)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2023)

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Watch Order By Release Date And Chronologically

The film is a follow-up to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). This film is currently under development and may be released later this year.

Is it necessary to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in chronological order?

You don’t have to see all eight films in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise, in my view, since the most of them are reboots. You may only view the original The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) and the sequel, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which will most likely be released this year (2023). If you are a die-hard horror horrific movie lover, you may watch all of the other portions as stand-alones, or you can follow the chronological sequence stated above to learn about all of the movies’ terrible, gory events.

The the texas chainsaw massacre (1974 full movie) is a horror film that was released in 1974. It is the first installment of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the correct order to watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre?

The correct order to watch the Texas Chainsaw Massacre is as follows: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Leatherface.

How many Texas Chainsaw movies are there in order?

There are six movies in the Texas Chainsaw franchise.

Is Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 a sequel?

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 is a direct sequel.

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