Doug Abbott (born June 28, 1962) is an American actor best known for his role as Kevin Taylor during the series The Facts of Life in the 1970s, and for his role as Ryan Hardy in the TV series Cold Case. In a film career that spanned over 30 years, he has achieved roles in more than 20 films, including The Ice Storm (1997), The Green Mile (1999), The Waterboy (1998), and The Piano (1993).

Doug has been a fine actor and perhaps his best known for his ingeniously funny portrayal of Ned Ryerson on the 1970s sitcom Taxi . His other roles, which include The Action Family , The Nanny and Roseanne , have had mixed receptions.

The last character seen in the Sweet Tooth trailer and promo images is the big bad of the story, General Steven Abbott, portrayed by Neil Sandilands. The former military seems to be the head of a group that systematically hunts down and kills Hybrids, albeit their reason are unknown as of now. In the comics, the character is actually Captain Douglas Abbott, and despite his methods he has nothing against Hybrids per se, as they are merely a means to an end for him. Of course, this doesn’t make him any less of a bad guy. Let’s take a look at him, and as usual, beware some possible spoilers.

Douglas Abbott never had anything easy in his life, but he never stopped fighting for what he wanted either. He grew up with an abusive father, who never lost an occasion to beat him or his little brother Johnny. Johnny, however, was gentle and kind, and never reacted to their father: more resolute and determined, Doug always intervened to defend Johnny, even if that meant he got beaten more. As they grew up, Doug found a way out by joining the military, and despite he was worried to leave Johnny with their father, he was reassured by the fact that the old man’s health was now failing him, and that he was nowhere as dangerous as he used to be. In the US Army, he rose to the ranks of Captain, and lived the regular life of an officer… until the world started crumbling down. From the north, a mysterious plague, known as the Sick or even the Affliction, started killing hundreds, and people everywhere panicked. Abbott and his unit were sent to the Canadian border to try and contain the masses of refugees who were trying to escape the Sick, but their work was useless: too many people were fleeing, and the virus had already started to spread in the American territory as well. As he was called back south, Abbott decided to take a detour and to come back home to collect his little brother. When he arrived home, he only found their father, drooling and cursing in front of the television: he knew that, despite everything, Johnny was too gentle to leave the old man behind, so he shot him in the head, and then proceeded to locate his little brother. He found him in a pharmacy, where he had been attacked by some looters who wanted to take his meds. Doug quickly killed the attackers, saved Johnny, and convinced him to follow him, after informing him of their father’s untimely yet necessary demise.

Under the blows of the Sick, institutions and chain of command were the first victims, and soon every semblance of normality was a distant memory. Captain Abbott led his men and Johnny to an emergency base, commanded by an officer who had been instructing his men to take everything useful, food, gasoline, drugs and technology, to maintain power on the region and start a general reorganization. Abbott asked him permission to join, along with his men, but the superior officer didn’t want useless weights, and welcomed everybody but Johnny. Douglas tried to convince him to let his brother stay, but as the officer refused again and again, he swiftly killed him, and took command of the entire facility, that would have become known as the Preserve. The dead officer’s idea wasn’t bad at all, and Abbott kept collecting every resource he could find… but he did something else as well, as he gathered scientists and doctors, putting them at work in the Preserve’s base, so that they may find a cure for the virus that was still killing so many. One of the scientists, Dr. Singh, had a theory, that connected the virus to the Hybrids, the mysterious half-animal kids who had been born everywhere after the beginning of the Sick. In order to provide specimens for his research, Abbott and his men started combing the area, capturing every Hybrid they could find, as well as pregnant women, as every newborn was destined to be a Hybrid. Douglas even put Johnny in charge of the cages where the Hybrids were kept, knowing that his brother would have been more tranquil with some pet to take care of. This, however, meant exposing the Preserve to the risks coming from Johnny’s kindness, as sometimes he let the kids out of the cages. If this wasn’t a nuisance enough, he caused real damage when he did the same with Jepperd, a brute of a man who killed several guards and scientists to retrieve his pregnant wife, abducted by Abbott. The Captain subdued Jepperd and put him back in his cage, but knew that, sooner or later, he would have had to deal with his little brother, simply incapable of adapting to a new, cruel world…

Douglas Abbott is a resolute, determined man, ready to do anything in his power, no matter how immoral or cruel, to ensure the survival of the human race. An expert military officer, he’s a charismatic leader, a superb marksman, and also a very skilled hand-to-hand fighter, capable of overpowering even a behemoth like Jepperd. A cruel man for a cruel time, Captain Abbott has been slowly but steadily losing all humanity during the years of the pandemic, and whatever kindness or compassion he used to have, he sacrificed them all to the sole purpose of survival. He is a man with a mission, the one and only mission that justifies the sacrifice of everything for its accomplishment.

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