Not a lot of people know this. But Jack Abbott is this week’s cover boy. Not for his movies. For his magazine. I’m talking “Esquire” today. Jack’s interview, which went live last night, makes him the first cover boy for the men’s issue of the magazine.

Ashland Locke, Jack Abbott and a host of other famous names make up the cast of the new Warner Bros. horror film “Tara.” Locke plays the role of Luke, the owner of a bar in the small town of Tara, Maine. Luke is worried about his bar’s former bartender, Tara, who shows up at his bar and works for the first time in years. Luke is worried because he blames her for his father’s accidental death.

After a falling out with his friends, Jack Abbott goes to a strip club for a night of fun, drinks, and strippers. When he leaves the club, he witnesses a hit-and-run and saves a woman named Tara. What follows is an unfortunate chain of events that culminates in Jack being framed for the crime and imprisoned.

SpoilersThe Young and the Restless (Y&R) reports that Ashland Locke (Richard Burgi) will warn Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) about Tara Locke (Elizabeth Lanier) in an upcoming episode of The Young and the Restless. Could she be any more treacherous than Ashland himself?

The Young And The Restless Spoilers – Is Tara Locke playing the game or Ashland Locke?

Viewers of The Young and the Restless will remember Tara rushing to the engagement party of Kyle Abbott (Michael Milor) and Summer Newman (Hunter King) with her infant son Harrison Locke (Kellen Enriquez) in tow.

This act nearly ruined her engagement party in The Young and the Restless: Some people didn’t show up after Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman) called them to say the couple had left the party due to unforeseen complications. When everyone else had given up and Mariah Copeland (Camryn Grimes) was ready to cut the cake and serve it to everyone, Kyle and Summer returned.

Of course, almost everyone but Kyle and Summer, except Mariah, knew what was probably going on. At the time, they were the only ones who knew Kyle Harrison’s biological father – or at least that’s what Tara said! Tara told Kyle that Ashland had tricked her into admitting their affair, but she said she’d given Ashland an alternate timeline so he wouldn’t suspect Harrison was hers.

The Young and the Restless viewers will realize that this doesn’t make much sense after she told Ashland about it and then told Kyle that she was kicked out and wanted him to come out publicly as Harrison’s biological father! When Ashland approaches Jack to warn him, Kyle finally admits that he told him about Harrison, and Jack and Kyle agree that a paternity test is necessary!

SpoilerY&R – Ashland Locke doesn’t deny that Tara Locke broke up with Harrison Locke

Fans of The Young and the Restless will remember that Ashland did not deny that Tara left with Harrison, and even said he was there to bring Tara and Harrison back! Tara said she was afraid Ashland would say she was an unfit mother, get custody of Harrison and never see him again! Kyle told Jack all this and admitted that he thought he could handle everything on his own without involving his father, but the situation got out of hand.

The Young And The Restless – Spoiler: Nick and Adam are finally real brothers – Victor leads Newman’s team into battle #YR #youngandrestless

– SOS/CTS/HH (@SoapOperaSpy) 23. May 2023

Y&R spoilers say Ashland approaches Jack and gives him a double warning: that Tara can be very cunning and not to be trusted – and warns Jack that he and Kyle should stay away from Tara romantically! Jack is dumbfounded by this warning, as Ashland has been seen flirting with Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) in plain sight at least once! Jack doesn’t forget to warn his ex-son-in-law!

Fans of The Young and the Restless are probably wondering who is the sneakiest: Tara of Ashland! Could this whole scenario be a plot between the two to destroy Jabot, and could Ashland’s flirtation with Victoria be a plot to join him in destroying Newman Enterprises? Jack knows that he and Kyle need to be very careful, and the paternity test is the key to finding out if Kyle should be involved!

Stay tuned to The Young and The Restless channel and follow The Young and The Restless spoilers for all the latest news, updates and reviews!

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